Monday, January 25, 2010

The Will of Isis

"I am nature, the universal Mother, mistress of all the elements, primordial child of time, sovereign of all things spiritual, queen of the dead, queen of the ocean, queen also of the immortals, the single manifestation of all gods and goddesses that are, my nod governs the shining heights of Heavens, the wholesome sea breezes. Though I am worshiped in many aspects, known by countless names ... some know me as Juno, some as Bellona ... the Egyptians who excel in ancient learning and worship call me by my true name...Queen Isis."

Pharaoh forever etched in jade and lapis.

The dawning of choice.
By sundown Egypt will worship her Queen.

The chamber of women tingles.
Our gold-plated sandals echo insecurities.
Silk curtains waltz to tension.
Platters of polished grapes wait, untouched.
Roman wine in ivory cups stand, stillness.

Pharaoh's voice calls,
We, women, stand in transparent garb,
Charcoal eyes fix nervously to the tiled floor.

Gold wristbands clink as women
are announced in Pharaoh's private rooms.
Pharaoh must choose his mate.

Reed fans announce my arrival.
The last.
My heart barely whispers,
My dress glimmers against my shape,
Tickling the desire of Pharaoh's council.

I am something to look forward to, My Pharaoh.

I feel Pharaoh look at my face, a pallet.
On a sudden urge, my head inclines to him.
A smile.
Queen Isis possesses me,
She wishes me to lay with Pharaoh.

Snakes doze in the sun.
One watches me and slithers its tongue.
It suddenly glides toward me,
Coiling itself around my feet.
A sign.
Isis entwines my fate to Egypt.

The Pharaoh is powerless against the will of Isis.

I am immortally etched in amethyst and turquoise.

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