Friday, January 15, 2010

Toxic Fan Base

Baltimore Colts. Indianapolis Colts. Baltimore Ravens.


I've lived in Maryland my entire life.

My team is the Indianapolis Colts. My second team is the Baltimore Ravens.

See how this gets tricky?

Up until age 14 or 15, I had never heard of the Baltimore Colts leaving its home in the middle of a winter night in 1984 and uprooting an entire fan base of Johnny U and the wonder years.
They were bitter, understandably so. Their sports legacy was taken away and replaced in Indy.

But after all these years and the founding of the Ravens and all their success (see Ray Lewis' defense and the Super Bowl XXXV title), the fans who were around when the Colts left still hold the grudge and wish nothing but ill-will to Indy.

I can understand not liking Indy but why is there hatred? I guess I'm apart of the new-generation fan and I don't quite get or care about old loyalties.

I am an Indy fan because of Peyton Manning. Peyton went to UofTennessee which is my favorite college team because my step-father went to law school there and it has stuck to me. I followed Peyton to the NFL and found the Indy Colts to be an organization that runs itself the right way and conducts itself as a professional business. I respect that and I respect what their athletes do on and off the field (minus the Marvin Harrison fallout). I am not a fair-weather fan and I am not a "Raven-hater."

Actually, I feel horrible living in Maryland and loving the Ravens when I love the Colts more. I give the Ravens as much respect as I do the Colts because they also run their organization professionally and demand their athletes to be not only the best but also competitors. They have the defense of the decade, in my opinion, and that doesn't come without hard work and dedication.

That's why this weekend with the AFC Divisional game, I'm torn. I love the Colts and I love the Ravens. It's utter blasphemy living in Maryland. I want them both to win and to go to the Superbowl, but I can't have it that way.

Ultimately, I want the Colts to win but I won't be shocked if the Ravens hand it to them.

I think both teams are past the Colts leaving Baltimore. They are new-age athletes, where let's face it, these indiscretions aren't as important as they used to be. They are hungry for competition and winning the game, no matter who it's against. Having extra motivation because of the opponent and their combined pasts has nothing to do with it.

All I know is older fans hate the colts and hate me when I wear my Colts jersey in their presence.

Even my grandma says the Indy Colts aren't in the right place. She is a Baltimore Colts fan and it still sits uneasy in her stomach how the fallout went. She will go Ravens every time against the Colts. Every time.

I, on the other hand, want success for both. It is possible to be fans of both organizations and athletes.

I just wish it could be without all the toxicity. Without the hatred. The anger.

Baltimore fans, just remember this: Johnny U and the best NFL game ever will always, ALWAYS, belong to you, to us. Indy can never claim it as its own.

Besides, Indy has a one Peyton Manning for its own right.

So let's at least let bygones be bygones and let's relish in the competition this weekend.

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