Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why Haiti?

Why Haiti? Ask yourself this question. Ponder it.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with one of the highest population densities in the world and a land area about the size of the state of Maryland. The literacy rate among adults is around 50% and life expectancy is around 55 years.

70% of Haitian people live in poverty with an annual income of less than $400 USD per year.

Re-read that statistic. Let it sink in.

I've made over $400 for one paycheck. I can't even begin to imagine that much in a year. An entire year struggling to have food, water, and a proper shelter. Then add a family.

These are worse than dire conditions.

So after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti and over 30 after shakes continuing to measure a 5.0 magnitude, why has Haiti finally caught the attention of the world? With widespread destruction and loss of life, why has it taken a natural disaster to receive aid in the form of money, food, water, clothing, medicinal supplies as well as aid workers and doctors?


My next question I've heard from friends and Facebook posts: "Is God punishing Haiti? Is God punishing us with poverty, hurricanes and now earthquakes? Why, God, why?"

Honestly, God has nothing to do with it.

This is simply a horrific natural occurrence.
Haiti's geographic lie is unlucky enough to be along a fault line and the earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving. Is it a cruel irony? Yes, it is.

But in no way can a God be put into this equation. Not that I'm defending God. I simply believe mother nature is not under a God's power. A God does not control human actions or human independence.

Haiti has used its natural resources for food and firewood. Mountains have been stripped bare without replanting forests. Houses have been built without sturdy foundations or proper preparations for natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes (full knowing their geographical lie along fault lines and in the middle of the Atlantic's hurricane ally). Many people are unable to provide for themselves, let alone their families.

Not that any of these are to be blamed on the majority of Haitian people. Leadership has led the country to destructive ends. It will take more than just the country and its people to come out of poverty and now out of devastation.

Haiti is the black hole of the West much like most of Africa is in the East. It's forgotten and left to fend for itself when that is impossible without aid from the world.

I would like to believe after this catastrophe the world will take more notice of the needs of Haiti. I would hope they will stick around to rebuild the cities and towns, homes and lives, of all the people as well as help to find a way for Haiti to have jobs and income going to its people.

I hope but I don't believe any of that will happen. Countries jump to give aid and leave when things look better but aren't entirely fixed.

Countries give aid until their people complain about giving too much. (HEY PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES I'M TALKING TO YOU: "Obama's giving $100 million to Haiti.Where was that f'n money when we were in a f'n recession!?Why the hell r we helping Haiti when we have freezing starving people n our own country?Where was Haiti when we had Hurricane Katrina & 9/11?!F the USA and F Obama-Were not babysitters and we need to worry about our own.I am ...praying for Haiti & their families,but we need 2 get our shit together 1st.")

I guess my point is this: even our own starving, poverty-stricken people in the U.S. live better than those in Haiti and they need help now more than ever.

Other countries are selfish. People are selfish. You're going to whine and complain about a country sending aid when "we need it more" and you're going to complain the second we need aid and no one helps.

It's a double-edged sword of hypocrisy and it's lonely out on the top. You give and you receive. You're selfish and no one cares and no one responds when you need it the most.

If anything, this is a God's message to the rest of the world. It's about relationships, not about institutions or independence. It's about caring and respecting and coming to aid when aid is needed. It's about doing what's right for humanity, not about sitting back and taking everything for yourself.

Haiti may be poor but they are a proud people. They've asked for help because they sincerely need it. They will live on without or without help because that's how it has always been. They have more respect for one another than probably I have for my neighbor. They work together and give together. They live, love and die together.

Haitians are one and that's more than I can say for any other country.

They deserve our help and we should all be selfless enough to give it.

Ten dollars is a million to them.

Ten dollars is an opportunity to rebuild and to live.

Help. Give. Share. Love.

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