Friday, January 15, 2010

Stigma of Poop

*Note* If your one of those people, male or female, who can't stand it when people mention poop, then don't read ahead. Just know, though, this is about you.

This past weekend I had one of my famous getaways out of the stix and into the city to be with my best friends. We always go out, hang out, do whatever and somewhere along those lines, poop always comes up. Probably because my two best guy friends like to pick on my best girl friend.

She hears poop and goes "EWWWWWW." You know, the "OMG-you're-disgusting-how-could-you-say-that" type of EW.

What about me you say? Well, I literally don't give a crap.

More context: We were eating a late lunch (and I mean late as in my stomach was eating itself) at Bob Evans. One of the guys said poop and instantly the other was off and running. One of those superhero tag team pairs. My girl friend started her rant of stops and the guys kept running.

They asked her, "Why won't you say poop?"

"It's gross."

They look at me and I smile and say, "Poop."

The boys' response, "Wow, you said POOP."

They thought it was amazing. Girls don't say poop. They might not even poop.

It's amazing that there could possibly be either a phobia or a stigma with saying poop or pooping.

Girls think it's gross yet they poop. Guys love it (cause it makes them feel so good).

Case and point. My girl friend, like a lot of my girl friends, think talking about going number two is appalling and disgusting. They think not mentioning the subject ever will make it seem like, as females, we don't poop and are incapable of pooping. We will be more ladylike in the long run without the devilish word.

My guy friends love to say after a stomach gorging, "I have to poop," or after walking out of the bathroom, "Don't go in there," with a wink and a smile. Pooping for guys is in itself an accomplishment. I've heard discussions about "turd sizes" and wanting to take a picture of a "precious poop." They're more manly for it. It's expected to be a conversation topic.

Now of course both sides have there exceptions. Girls who discuss poop are oftentimes looked at negatively by fellow gals and guys think them more as a guy. This is mostly the same for guys with poop phobia.

It's natural. We all do it. It's for the purpose of our digestive systems (and possibly to teach us what not to eat). We have to poop.

If we acknowledge babies' pooping (wayyy more disgusting-like a bad smelling A-bomb), why is there such a qualm about talking about "grown-up" poop?

Can it be disgusting? Yes. I don't recommend discussing that.

But what's the problem in saying poop?

It keeps me healthy and able to eat more. I have no problems with poop.

So put an end to the word stigma and admit it...


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