Thursday, February 11, 2010


Music Version Television is dead. It's been dead. Long since forgotten.

Michael made you, Spring Break made you naughty, TRL was iconic (CARSONNNNN), and all your stupid, trashy Jersey Shores, Teen Moms, The Hills (even Real World is lame now) and whatever other shows DESTROYED YOU.

You told us never to turn our back on the music. Look what you've done.

I have no where to go to find new artists. I have no idea what a music video is anymore. WHY IS THERE EVEN A VMAs since there is NO OUTLET TO VIEW THEM ON? (sorry BET, CMT, VH1, you've never cut it).

MTV, you were the last remaining hope for a music generation. You weren't taken over by disgusting reality shows and you kept it real and true to musical roots.

John Norris and Sway kept music education alive. Carson kept videos alive. Artists could make it with MTV.

Now, there is no platform and no voice to good tunes.

Real music fans have no where to go.

If I wanted a trailer park, I'd go find one.

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